Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Snow Machine

Hi jammers! Today's new Item is......
The Snow Machine! You can check this out in my den if you want to see it before you buy it!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Snowy Pawprints

Hi jammers!
Today we have a new item!! Snowy pawprints! It only comes in one color
Here's how it looks on grass.
Here's how it looks on snow :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Underwater Bubbles

Hi jammers! We've got a new den item for underwater dens!
i can't remember the name...
Hey! It can change colors!

Here's how it looks in your den! This is a blue one.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Newspaper and New Den and Epic Den!

Hi jammers! We've got a new newspaper!!!
woooow 0.0
Monkey's going away????
We've got a new water den!!!
Here's how it looks!
This is my new den!
Here's the stairs!
and above the roof!
We've also got a new Water Den Item! Looks like Animal Jam is really trying to bring in water a lot!


Look at this!!!
Tech66 is on the "EPIC DENS!"

Here's when you first come in!
Down by the waterfall!
He's got EVERYTHING!!!!

Go to his den to check out everything else!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lime The Penguin and Tech66 Not a Scammer!

Hi jammers! I finished my new chapter on Lime The Penguin! Check it out!

Also, people have been calling Tech66 a scammer!!!
Tech66 is Not a Scammer! He's a really good friend of mine. 

Player 2 game and Card to Nonmembers

Hi jammers! Look at this 0.0
So I was playing Scoops (one of My Favorite games) with someone. My side said my name, Knight Snowyclaw.
But the person I was playing with was this. Player 2.  how am I supposed to know who I'm playing with?
I guess it's a small glitch :P
Also, You get this Jamagram if you are a nonmember. The card is kinda nice. the bright light behind the Tail armor moves

Name Badge Contest Reminder!

Hi jammers! I wanted to remind you... Tomarrow is the Last day to enter on the Name Badge Contest!


Hi jammers! Sorry I've been a bit behind on everything, but I've had a super busy week. hopefully I can start posting more often!!
Now to the New Items!
A very nice Water Den Item, the Crescent Marble Table and...
A matching Crescent Marble Chair!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Best Dressed game!!

Hi jammers! We've got a new game! 
Best Dressed!!!!!!! Now we don't have to go to Coral Canyons!
Best Dressed is also on x2!!!! Easy game. Easy gems :D

Monday, March 19, 2012

Instantly there

Hi jammers! Look at this!
 You can click on the new building, The Aquarium, and it will take you there!
I tried this with other buildings but its just with this one! Maybe Aj will make it so you can just click on other buildings too!

Name Badge Contest!

Hey jammers! Animal Jam is having a Name Badge Contest!!!
Check it out!
All entries are due Friday March 23! Maybe I'll do it!

Rare Monday!

Hi jammers! Animal Jam got the Rare Monday item on time today!!!!
Brown and Yellow Gazelle Horns!
This is what it's called!! Rare Gazelle Horns!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Different Tails?

Hi jammers! Me and Dolphino found out something interesting...
Check out Sizzlerat's tail. I know its the same thing it always has but...
look closer. now check out the new tails. (Lovelost made a animal like sizzlerat, I don't know why its saying she's a nm its happened before.)

Ok. Look at the new tail. this side <------
Now look at Sizzlerat's tail. There's something different about them, see?
The new tail has lines through it! Old one doesn't!


Hi jammers! This came out yesterday but I didn't have time to do it so I'll do it now :)

A new place! Aquarium!
They switched it up a bit!
Now the pet bath is up more on a rock!
Here's when you first walk in!
They have these jellyfish and when you click on it, it gives a fact about the Jellyfish!
This water tunnel thing goes to Kani Cove!
Oh and here's my new jellyfish :)
And there's this pond!
Here's the rules
Here's some of the stuff i saw!
This too.
When you get a new water animal, this pops up!
There's this in the corner of the screen!
When you click it this comes up! You can collect all the stuff to get prizes!
I got a StingRay!
There is also steps to upstairs!
When you go upstairs in the door, it shows movies and stuff-just like the movie place!

More updates coming soon!