Monday, February 27, 2012

Leap Year?

Hi jammers!
It said something was coming for Leap Year!
I think its a new land!
There's an opening that could go to a new land in Appondale!
What do you think???


  1. Hey! I remember talking to my friend about that. I said it might be RhinoLand haha. I think you know tomboychick721 right? Well anyways. I remember once I was at your den I think? And you were like, Say cheese! and you took a picture. I thought you were joking until I looked myself up and I saw your blog and read what it said! I was like, omg! she wasn't joking! hahaha. So anyways, how do you view the pics?


  2. i don't think i know tomboychick721
    ya lolz
    View pics? what do you mean?
